Top 9 Rules For The Gym
Are you just getting back into the gym?Here is the top 9 rules for the gym according to me. I’ll help you successful transform yourself from a gym rookie to a gym rat.
I’m sure you noticed all the muscular people using the machines.You might be waiting for a machine but some sweaty jerk is hogging the machine.
Your thinking “Come on, get out of the way…don’t you see all these people waiting?” Once you finally get to the machine you look down and see sweat marks all over the seats! Yuck!
Perhaps you’ve been lifting weights in front of the mirror and a 6 foot guy stands right in front of you. What the heck! Doesn’t anyone care?
Here are a few simple tips on gym etiquette that will hopefully make your time at the gym more enjoyable.
Be Prepared
- Working out before work? Lay out your gym clothes the night before and pack your work clothes in another bag.
- Be sure to bring shower flip flops to protect your feet from athlete’s foot while in the showers.
- Wash your towels and clothing as soon as you get home. There is nothing worse than a smelly, mildew infested gym bag in the back of your car or in your locker.
- Working out after work? Pack a weeks worth of fresh gym clothes in your car.
I’ve been following these steps for several years and it’s prevents me from making an excuse to not go to the gym.
My favorite time of the day is after work when I spend an hour meditating in silence followed by hitting the gym for an hour. Knowing that the time I spend at the gym is just for me and a place to put everything that happened in the day behind me really motivates me during the work day.
Remember that this is your time to put on your favorite songs, block out the world, and do something positive for yourself.
No heavy cologne/perfume
Leave the heavy cologne and perfume at home. I don’t know if people put on tons of perfume because they think it will hide their body odor, but it doesn’t! There is nothing worse than having some guy walk by who is sweaty and drenched in cologne.
All you need a good deodorant and some baby wipes to freshen up before you hit the gym. If your really worried about smelling bad, then take a quick shower.
Have your gym membership card/key chain out before you walk in the door
Everyone has a busy life and wants to get in and out of the gym quickly. Before you walk in make sure that you have your gym membership card out and ready to be scanned.
There is nothing more annoying than walking in the door and having to stand in line. If your gym has multiple scanners go to the other one instead. You want to make the most of your time at the gym but you also don’t want to be stuck there forever.
Have a workout plan
If you want to see results in your physical appearance than you need to have a workout plan. There are tons of YouTube videos out there and blogs that can help you get started.
Currently I’m using two apps to plan my workouts. GymShark and Alive by Whitney Simmons. I’ve been using the Alive app more often and I love it. It gives you several options for workouts or you can create your own.
Everyone plan is different so you need to tailor your plan for the goals that you want to accomplish. I have a general schedule for my workouts:
Monday: Shoulders
Tuesday: Legs
Wednesday: Bicep & Triceps
Thursday: Back
Friday: Full Body
Don’t forget to add some ab workouts in there. I admit that ab workouts aren’t my favorite, but my stomach is the area that I want to focus on this year.
Cardio is very important but there isn’t really a rule of thumb for cardio. Find the cardio and ab regimen that is right for you.
Right now I do 5 minutes incline walk on the treadmill, lift weights, and then a 5 minutes cool down on the treadmill, bike, or row machine.
I change up my cardio routine often because I get bored easily. Don’t be afraid to try new things to keep your time at the gym interesting.
Get off your phone!
Please do yourself a favor and don’t talk on your phone at the gym! Especially if your on a machine! The only time to use your phone is when your watching a workout video to make sure that your doing the movement properly.
Step to the side and watch the video or watch the video while your on the treadmill. Remember that your time at the gym is your time to focus on you!
Share the mirror
I’m sure that I’m not the only person that has experienced standing in front of the mirror , only to have the tallest guy in the place stand in front of me. I had this happen to me twice at the gym tonight.
I’m 5-2 so most people are taller than me, but hey I was there first! When you get to your workout area take a look around and make sure that your not blocking anyone. I love when a guy accidentally stands in front of me only to turn around and say “Oh I’m so sorry” and moves over. Makes my day!
Wipe down the equipment
Have the courtesy to wipe down your equipment after using it. It’s so gross to see someone else’s sweat on a seat or their sweaty imprint on the headrest. Most gyms have disinfectant and towels to wipe down. Just think of all the germs that people have….do you really want those sweaty germs on you? NO!
If you spill it or drip it wipe it up
You won’t believe how many people spill water on the ground and walk away! It’s so dangerous and one of these days someone is going to slip. Be a pal and clean up after yourself.
Put the weights back where they belong
When your done using your weights, put them back on the rack where they belong. This is especially important on the smith machines. Guys will put tons of weights on the machines and walk away. The next person has to take off all of those heavy weights and it’s really a pain.
The rule of thumb is when your done with the smith machine, to take off all of the weights.
I hope that these tips are helpful and will help you to stay healthy and happy at the gym!
If you like this post, check out my other fitness blog by clicking this link http://www.samara-renee.com/2018/01/16/how-to-begin-your-fitness-journey/
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