How To Change Your Life In 2020
Are you burnout, frustrated, and depressed about your life? In this article “How to Change your life in 2020” will help you determine if it’s time for you to make a shift in your life. I’ll also share my personal experience with dealing with depression and feeling uninspired about my life, and what I did about it. Today is a day for a new beginning in my life. I took a leap of faith and interviewed for a new job in a new field. I’ve been working at the same organization for over twelve years and needed to make a change.
During the coronavirus pandemic stay-at-home orders, I had a lot of time to contemplate my life and what was important. What I realized was that what is most important is being authentic and doing work that I enjoy. I’ve been praying for a job for several years and at the end of last year, I decided to just trust God and focus on myself. Ten months later COVID-19 hits and I spent 3 months working on my blog and thinking about my life. The one thing that I knew that I had to do was make a shift in my career. My intuition told me that if I make a major shift in my life, other areas of my life would also fall into place.
You Feel Depressed
If you’re unsatisfied with your state of life you may fall into depression. You’re having a hard time getting out of bed and you don’t feel motivated at work. It sometimes feels like your running on a hamster wheel and your life is on an endless cycle of nothingness. You want to change but your not sure what to do or how to even start. Depression runs in my family but I knew that I wasn’t happy with who I was. I had a dream of the woman I wanted to be and the things that I wanted to do, but I wasn’t even close to taking one step towards that goal.
I went to countless therapists over the years trying to figure out how to get over my depression. I eventually stopped going to my therapist because I wasn’t getting any better, and I felt even worse after leaving her office. I came to the realization that the only way that I can beat depression is to be determined to make a change. Rather than be a relationship, career, or physical fitness, you have to believe that things will get better and not let anyone talk you out of your dream.
If you’re not getting better visit your doctor and talk about it. My depression was getting so bad that I was having memory problems. That scared me enough to go to the doctors and get checked out. Make a list or write an ideal version of yourself and what you would look like and act like. Write down your goal and post it on your bathroom mirror. I was so determined to change my life I wrote down my goal, posted on the mirror, and looked at it each day. My target date to reach my goal was a year ago, but I didn’t give up. I knew that eventually, I would do it! It only took an extra year and two months.
You Feel Like A Fraud
Have you ever felt like you were being a fraud? When you’re around your family or co-workers you smile and act happy, but deep down inside your dying? This is another indicator that you need to consider why you feel like your living a lie? Are feeling unauthentic behaving or doing work that doesn’t bring you joy because you don’t believe that you are smart enough or
Don’t have resources to find a new job, find a man who will treat you with respect, and to start working on a goal that you’ve been putting off for years. Living out of alignment shows up in your relationships, career, and self-esteem. The biggest aha moment was when my relationship coach said that if I was holding back in any area of my life, that I need to focus on that before I could truly attract my soulmate.
You're Tired Of Life Being The Same
If there is anything that Coronavirus quarantine gave me was more time to reflect on my life and the direction that I wanted it to go. Some people wanted life to go back to the way it was, but I didn’t want that at all. I wanted to wake up every day with energy and passion, and experience life in a whole new way. If you’ve been living life by sitting in the background and you’re unhappy it’s time for you to step up and be seen. The thought of continuing to live my life the same way for another year was unbearable. I had to start by making the change within myself.
How To Change Your Life
Start a gratitude journal:
Find out what is working in your life first by keeping a gratitude journal. Write down five things that your grateful for every day. Being grateful for what you have changed your mindset and vibration. It also gets you out of your negative mindset. Consistently giving thanks for the little things in your life will change your life.
Get Clear About What You Want In Life
So you want to change your life! Changing your life starts with creating a vision of your future life. Get a sheet of paper and write down your ideal life. What do you want to be? Where do you want to live? How much money do you want to make? What kind of relationship do you want? Write down every detail of your life and create a vision board and look at it each day.
My goal was to find a new job so I wrote my resignation letter and taped it to my bathroom mirror. This was a reminder that I had goals and it was up to me to make that happen. I finally get to take that down and put up a new goal!!!!
Positive Affirmations
Now that you have your ideal vision figured out, now it’s time to create positive affirmations to replace the negative self-talk. When you decide to make a change your mind will automatically tell you that you can’t do it. You can change these thoughts by challenging your negative thoughts. If your negative Nancy says you can’t do it then challenge her and tell her that you’re brave enough to try or I can do this! I write my positive affirmations in a journal and write them down twice a day. You can even create a voice memo with your affirmations and listen to them when you get dressed in the morning or when your driving to work.
Invest In Yourself
Another positive thing about quarantine was having time for personal development.
There was plenty of time for meditation, fitness, and taking webinars. Investing in yourself is critical for changing your life. This could mean finding a life coach, taking an online course, or finding a nutritionist.
Seek out the tools and resources that you need to become the person you always dreamed of.
Trust A Higher Power
You have to believe in achieving and having faith that things will get better. Ask God for what you need, trust that He will bring it into your life if it’s meant for you. Tapping into your intuition will help you stay on your purpose. Making time to pray and meditate each day will keep you focused on your goals.
Learn From The Greats
If you want to change your life you need to learn from the greats. There are so many inspirational people in the world that you can learn from.
Read books, listen to podcasts, or watch Ted Talks. Life-long learning is the best way to show yourself that things that look impossible are possible!
Some of my favorite teachers are Jack Canfield, Oprah Winfrey, and Louis Hay.
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