5 Survival Tips To Discern Your Vocation
Are you discerning your vocation? I have 5 Survival Tips To Discern Your Vocation. In this article I will share my personal journey as I discern my vocation.
My Vocation Story
I’ve struggled to figure out if God was calling me to religious life, marriage, or single life. My bags were packed for the convent.
The only thing I needed was a check for $68,000 to pay off my student loans. I had to rule out the Carmelite religious order.
Pre-retreat Spiritual Battle
The weeks leading up to the retreat I endured a spiritual battle that made me question if I should go. I decided the day of the retreat that I would actually go.
Come and See Retreat
On December 28, 2017 I went on a four day Come and See Retreat with the Carmelite Sisters of Los Angeles. A Come & See Retreat is a few days of prayer and living and working with a religious community.
The days at the retreat house was the most fun and uplifting days that I’ve had in awhile. The Sisters are truly beautiful people. To be able to spend time with them out in the community and seeing the Catholic faith in action was an honor.
Religious Vocation In Action
The highlight of the retreat was visiting Santa Teresita. We started the day with prayer and toured the assisted living facility and preschool. At noon the sisters make an Examination of conscious and visit the Blessed Sacrament.
We had lunch with several Carmelite nuns who were retired or needing assisted living. I heard some amazing stories and connected with some of the elderly nuns.
Social Pressure vs. God’s Will
As I prepared to leave the retreat house I had jarring interaction with one of the girls. “Your the oldest girl here! You better make a decision about your life fast!” she said.
Immediately I was reminded that life would go on with or without me.
My best friend got engaged a day after I left and I was happy for her. I felt more conflicted about my life. I’ll admit that I was really depressed and confused after the retreat. I spent countless hours sitting in the Blessed Sacrament chapel trying to figure it out. My heart lead me to my vocation which is to be married.
Take A Step Toward Your Vocation
Sister Faustina gave a talk at the end of the retreat and she said something that stayed with me. She said “No matter what vocation you are discerning you need to take a step toward that vocation.”
I took her advice and reluctantly I went back to online dating. I dedicated all my holy hours for my future husband.
5 Tips To Discern Your Vocation
- Keep the faith: God has a plan for your life and wants the best for you. Have hope that the crosses that you bear now are leading you to holiness.
- Don’t compare your life to others: Keep your eyes focused on your life and don’t worry about what anyone else is doing.
- Take a step toward your vocation: No matter what vocation that God is calling you to, you need to take a step toward that vocation.
- Pray: Make time for prayer every day. Spend 1 hour a day in silence to reset your mind and soul. This will help you get your priorities straight and realize what is really important in life (which is your relationship with God).
- Don’t Be Afraid: You’re not alone in this. Reading the lives of the saints. There is literally a saint for every state of life. Don’t be afraid to do some research. A few of my favorites are: St. John Paul II, St. Mother Teresa, St. Therese, & St. Padre Pio.
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