4 Ways That God Saved My Life
Are you looking for an uplifting story. We have 4 Ways That God Saved My Life. You’ll learn how I survived 4 life threatening incidents and the lessons I learned from them.
How Did God Save My Life?
Before I get into the 4 Ways That God Saved My Life, I want to share the meaning of my name. It shows how God was already working in my life before I was even born.
In elementary school my teacher gave an assignment to ask our parents why they gave us our first name. I went home and asked my Mom and she said:
“I knew that you were going to be my last child, so I wanted your name to mean something special. For some reason I knew that you would need more protection than the other girls.” (I have three older sisters)
Mom explained how she discovered my name.
“I opened a baby names book and went to the S section (my sisters and I all have S names). Opening up the found the name Samara and it means “Guarded by God”. I knew that this was the name that you were meant to have.
God Saved My Life At Birth
The first way that God saved my life was at birth. My Mom told me about my birth story a few years ago. The delivery seemed to go smoothly but a few minutes later I stopped breathing. A team of doctors and nurses rushed in and took me out of the room. My parents were shocked and Mom said it was one of the scariest times of their lives.
For seven hours my parents didn’t know if I was dead or alive. I guess bedside matter in the 80’s wasn’t what it is today. Thankfully my vitals stabilized and I’m alive today. The doctors never figured out why I went into respiratory distress.
You would think that a near death experience would only happen once right? Well, not for me!
I Was Hit By A Car
When I was 15 years old, I was hit by a car on my way home from school. The intersection were we crossed the street was notorious for near misses and car accidents.
On that day I started to walk across the street and the driver stopped in the middle of the road. I thought he saw me but evidently he didn’t and ran right into me.
I remember the accident so clearly. The sound of the engine and the loud music blasting in his car. My head crashing into the windshield and rolling off the top of the roof of his car. Hitting the ground and hoping that the car behind him didn’t run me over. My backpack and shoes thrown several feet down the road. It was one of the scariest moments of my life at that point.
At the emergency room I told the doctor what happened. He was shocked that I walked in with my Mom and not in an ambulance. I sustained minor injuries from the accident. A bruised eye socket, soft tissue damage on the left side of my body, swollen face, and deep cuts two of my fingers. I suspect I had a concussion because my memory from that day and the weeks after are hazy.
Looking back, I didn’t take the time to appreciate what happened until I was much older. I was a teenage who wanted to move on and be left alone.

Lessons Learned From The Accident
The one lesson from this accident was that people can be cruel. Several drivers witnessed the accident and didn’t stop to help. One driver rolled down their window and ask if I was okay. There was a lot of cars on the road and only one person asked if I needed help.
Secondly, I learned how much my friends and family loved me. I staggered for several minutes trying to call my relatives before I had the sense to call my neighbor. My best friends Mom came over to help and protect me. She ran over to my house and called the police.
Lastly, I learned how our survival instinct kicks in natural during a crisis. I am strong willed and this helped me during the painful weeks after the accident. Two days after the accident I was back at drill team practice. I never missed a practice even though I had ever reason to take a few days off.
Car Spins Out Of Control
When I was 16 years old I had another near death moment. I was driving to drill team practice on a rainy day. Something rolled across the road and I hit my brakes. The car spun around 360 degrees and came to a stop next to a power pole. Had I been going faster I would’ve crashed into the pole.
Car Hood Flies Up On Freeway
I was on the freeway in my ghetto 1987 Toyota Camry with a damaged hood. My Dad strapped the hood down with rope and it seemed secure. Everything seemed fine until I started to climb Kellogg Hill. The hood flew open and crashed into my windshield. My vision was completely blocked and I was surrounded by cars on all sides.
I cried out to God “Oh God help me please!”
A wave of calmness came over me and God took over. I heard a voice within me tell me to move over. It seemed like the cars parted like the Red Sea in the Ten Commandments movie. I moved over three lanes of traffic to the side of the road without hitting anyone.
Lessons Learned
This incident taught me that God always had my back. There was no way that I could’ve safely moved off the road without God’s help. When I called on Jesus for help he answered me. I learned that if I was ever in trouble that I could count on God to help me.
Needless to say, I’ve been saved by God many times. I have so many more stories that I’ll write a book.
I hope that some of these stories will inspire you to look for the blessings in your life.
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